


iscover one of China’s most beautiful city, bestowed with fresh air, clear streams, magnificent mountains and untouched landscape. Explore the Ancient Tea Horse Road on horseback as the ancient Silk Road traders did and enjoy a quiet and pleasant holiday at Lijiang.


Kingdom of Women

Take a peek into the matriarchical lifestyle of the Mosuo People in Lugu Lake. Called the last “Kingdom of Women” on earth, uncover the mystery and charm of the people.


Rise of the Dragon

Resembling a jade dragon lying in the clouds, the snow-covered and fog-enlaced Jade Dragon Snow Mountain is home to many rare animals and wild plants.  

Leaping Tiger

One of the deepest gorges in the world, this is the best hiking trail in Lijiang. A scenic canyon that promises a memorable and interesting hike!

Featured Hotels
  • Banyan Tree Lijiang Yunnan China Luxury Holiday Getaway Retreat Uniq Luxe

    Banyan Tree Lijiang

    Furnished in traditional style of rich russet and sweeping roofs.

    Location: Lijiang / Shuhe
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